The Angel's Castle

Explore the Curiosities of Castel Sant'Angelo



Join Guido la Guida on a visit to the Castel Sant'Angelo; a historic monument that was once the burial place for emperors, and then became a castle, and consequently the stronghold for many popes throughout the centuries.

With some of the best views of Rome it was also, once, the tallest building in the city. Today, the castle is one of the foremost sites in Rome.

So, climb the spiral ramp inside, and learn why it is now the castle of the angel.

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Richard Bowen

has lived in Rome for nearly 30 years. He has a Bachelor of Humanities degree from Middlesex University and a Master in Arts history degree specialising in mediaeval and 20th century history from University College London. Over the years, Richard has led tours to many different sites in Rome and its environs and is particularly fond of Ostia Antica, Tivoli and the ancient Roman sites including the Baths of Caracalla, Trajan's Market and the Ara Pacis. Additionally, Richard, who has also worked for Smart History, likes to get off the "beaten path" leading tours to the areas of Trastevere and the Park of the Aqueducts. Richard is more than happy to guide tours about the Unification of Italy and the defence of the Roman Republic of 1849, and the rise of Italian Fascism. Equally, our (sometimes) favourite Englishman has no objection to being banished to Cerveteri, Tarquinia or Castel Gandolfo for the day.